Hi, I'm Henry. I've always been interested in health and fitness. I competed in athletics, rugby, basketball and hockey throughout my childhood and enjoyed regular weight training from the age of 16.
As I grew older, however, through inappropriate management of both my physical and psychological being, I fell into patterns of injury and pain.
This pain and dysfunction triggered my quest to understand how to rehabilitate myself from what had become pronounced physical disability.
In the early 1990s I studied human biology and sports science and qualified as a masseur.
My need to understand a more complete approach to health and fitness led me to a teacher called Paul Chek, a world-renowned specialist in corrective exercise and holistic health.
Since 2001 I have been studying the work of Paul Chek and authorities in the field of neuromuscular therapy. I'm not only largely free of pain, but also have a very different perspective on physical training, nutrition, health – and the very nature of being.
In 2009 I founded Evolution Organics, an online shop specialising in organic wholefood nutrition and other health and wellness products.